Suicide First Aid: Hong Kong's first open to all Cantonese Suicide Intervention Course

“The first time someone told me they were thinking about suicide, I had no idea what to do or say. I found myself frantically searching my phone while trying to comfort them. It doesn’t have to be like this. Everyone should have the skills and confidence to save a life.”
– Jess, The New Normal Charity

Learn how to get Suicide First Aid certified today.

Why suicide intervention training matters

In Hong Kong, around three-quarters of people who die by suicide are not in contact with any mental health services in the year before their death. This means suicide prevention is not just a medical issue—it’s a community issue.

Sometimes we feel helpless when it comes to suicide, especially if someone close to us is struggling or we see lots of news about suicide. This course will empower you to help those around you. 

Friends, family, colleagues, neighbours, and community groups often have the first opportunity to notice when someone is struggling. By equipping everyday people with the skills to recognise and respond to suicide risk, we can save lives.

Suicide is everyone’s business.

What is Suicide First Aid

The Suicide First Aid (SFA) course gives you the knowledge and practical tools to:

  • Recognise when someone might be thinking about suicide.

  • Have compassionate, effective conversations that can save a life.

  • Help someone stay safe and connect them to further support.

This evidence-based training is internationally recognised as the Gold Standard in Suicide Prevention, moderated and accredited by one of the world’s most respected awarding bodies.

This course is fully translated, all materials, training videos and delivery is in Cantonese.

Accredited and awarded by…


Cantonese SFA Certified

“I’m grateful to have found this course, there isn’t very much available in Hong Kong so as soon as I saw it I wanted to do it.

In Hong Kong it can feel a little uncomfortable to talk about but I feel so much better equipped to help others after attending this course”

Join HK’s first Cantonese Suicide Intervention Course

We’re thrilled to announce that Hong Kong’s first Cantonese Suicide Prevention Course will launch in early 2025!

Key Features

✔ Evidence-Based: Developed from rigorous research.

✔ Globally Recognised.

✔Trusted Delivery: Provided exclusively by accredited Associate Trainers on a not-for-profit basis.

Registration is now OPEN to all individuals.

Subsidized pricing for University Students / Charity Employees with discount code DISCOUNT.
Apply upon check-out.

Suicide First Aid Course

Online Zoom Course from 10AM to 2PM with a short break.

For Individuals: $490 HKD.

For University Students or Charity Employees: $300 HKD.
You must sign up using an official university or charity email address to use this discount. 
Use discount code DISCOUNT on check out.

If you want to join our trial courses in March please fill in this Google Form

A special thanks…

Our growth partner and funder

Together, we can create a Hong Kong where everyone has the skills to help prevent suicide.

Join the movement today.