The workplace can be a stronghold of support for those struggling with mental health


Employees who feel supported by their organisation, manager, and peers are less stressed, more satisfied with their job and perform better than employees who feel neglected.

Who we’ve worked with

Peer support facilitator training


Our peer support facilitation training equips employees with skills such as active listening, empathetic communication, and understanding mental health basics. It also covers crisis guidance, maintaining confidentiality and setting appropriate boundaries to ensure safe and effective support.

The core training program typically comprises eight hours of modules, with options for flexible delivery.

It is ideal for colleagues across all levels, especially those in:

  • Leadership

  • HR roles

  • Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)

  • Mental Health First Aiders

We can also help your organisation measure the impact of peer support, read more here.

73% of people suffering with their mental health do not seek professional help

Suicide First Aid Training (SFA)


One of the largest challenges is the ability to recognise when mental health support is needed, especially when we are dealing with work stress and it may be hard to spot.

We provide internationally assured suicide prevention training. This course helps colleagues to identify warning signs of suicide, approach and support at-risk individuals, and know when and how to refer them to further help.

The training is available in half day introductory sessions or a full day in depth course:

  • Colleagues at any level

  • Leadership

  • HR roles

  • ERGs

  • Mental Health First Aiders

We can also help your organisation measure the impact of having SFA trained individuals at the workplace, read more here.

“Talking about our mental well-being doesn't always come naturally, but while we might feel uncomfortable when asked what's really going on, talking really can help. ”

SG Valley RFC

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Consulting


One of the most challenging things to do is to measure the social impact of having peer support and suicide prevention training, especially as the “Social” in ESG is one of the most difficult to measure.

Through our partnership with Think ESG, we support corporate organisations on how to provide robust reporting on social metrics.

Think ESG has worked with Listed and private companies across Hong Kong and the UK on areas such as ESG reporting, ESG consultancy and solutions.

Custom support programme(s)


Support can come in more ways than one, let us work together to figure out what you need. Other ways we have worked with corporates:

  • Webinars

  • Workshops

Contact us and let’s figure it out.

100% of our attendees would recommend our groups.
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“Our takeaway from Sunday's course is that starting the conversation about suicide is more important than saying the perfect thing.

If we as a community can role model that we are open and able to talk about suicide, then hopefully we can allow people to feel safe to share. We are really grateful to TNN for coming in to deliver this course, it was engaging, thoughtful and adapted for our team”

SG Valley RFC

Contact us


  • Workplace peer support involves training employees to support and guide their colleagues. This creates a supportive environment where employees can openly discuss mental health and life challenges and access help from peers who understand their experiences.

  • Investing in peer support and suicide prevention training builds an empathetic workplace culture, reduces stigma around mental health, and enhances employee well-being. This proactive approach can increase employee engagement.

  • Our peer support facilitation training equips employees with skills such as active listening, empathetic communication, and understanding mental health basics. It also covers crisis guidance, maintaining confidentiality and setting appropriate boundaries to ensure safe and effective support.

  • We provide internationally assured suicide prevention training. This course helps colleagues to identify warning signs of suicide, approach and support at-risk individuals, and know when and how to refer them to further help.

  • The core training program typically comprises eight hours of taught modules, with options for flexible delivery. It is ideal for colleagues across all levels, especially those in leadership,  HR roles, ERGs or Mental Health First Aiders to ensure widespread support and awareness within the company.

  • A peer support system can lead to a more supportive and inclusive work environment. Employees are more likely to seek help early, which can prevent issues from escalating. It also promotes a culture of empathy and resilience, contributing to overall workplace morale.

  • We can work with your HR and management teams to integrate peer support into your current workplace policies and wellness programmes. This may include setting up a peer support network, creating a referral system, and incorporating mental health resources into your company's intranet or employee portal.

  • The cost of the training varies depending on the size of your organisation and the level of customisation required. We offer scalable packages to fit different budgets and needs, and we can provide a detailed quote upon request. We frequently subsidise our training for social impact organisations and NGOs.

  • The impact can be measured through various metrics, we also partner with Think ESG to provide robust reporting.

  • After the training, we can offer ongoing support, including refresher courses, access to additional resources, and consultation services. We are committed to ensuring your peer support system remains effective and up-to-date.

  • You can contact us through the contact page or email us directly to get started. We will arrange an initial consultation to discuss your company’s needs.