We provide immediate and accessible mental health support to everyone


We know you’re worried about someone but you’re unsure what to do. We offer mental health support led by professionally trained individuals for anyone and reduce the stigma around seeking help.

Our peer support groups were created to give people a supportive space to discuss life's challenges, in the comfort that your experiences are shared with others who can relate. You will meet two trained volunteer hosts who have lived experience of the topic of the group.

There is no pressure at all to speak, many people attend to listen.

If you’re worried about someone, 
ask them to consider joining a group


Mental Health
Social Isolation


“A unique connection, where I feel like for once, I'm seen, heard and understood. Knowing there's someone out there who feels the same, and reassuring me what I'm feeling is normal too, makes a huge difference in my journey.”

Attendee and host

“Nice to feel confident that there are people who would listen and not judge.”


We know you’re worried.

Here are some guides that might help→

Why peer support


33% of adults say that they cannot rely on anyone for emotional support (PSE HK).

A significant number of people in Hong Kong lack social support in times of need. Social isolation has serious consequences for physical and mental health and can increase your risk of death by 25-33%.

Social isolation is now widely considered to be as impactful as obesity, lack of physical activity, smoking, other forms of substance abuse, and poor access to healthcare.

Peer support groups: 

  • Brings together people with shared experiences to support each other

  • Treats everyone’s views and experiences as equally valid

  • Reduces stigma and self stigma

  • Encourages help-seeking and the learning of new coping strategies

  • Improves self confidence and help you to self-advocate within and outside the group


  • Firstly, the fact that you are reading this shows that you are a good friend. Supporting a loved one involves being present, listening without judgment, and showing empathy. Encourage them and reassure them that asking for help is okay. Take a look at our guides for more information.

  • If you’re concerned about your loved one’s safety, talking to them directly about this is important. Ask them if they are thinking about suicide by pointing out behaviours you have noticed in a non-judgmental way. Asking won’t ‘put the idea in their head’. Try to listen to their response without judgment. Offer support and encourage them to seek help. In our resources section, you can find helplines for Hong Kong. We also offer suicide prevention training if you would like to learn more.

  • There is a wide array of professional help available. This can include seeing a therapist, psychiatrist, psychologist, or counsellor specialising in mental health. It’s also beneficial to look for support groups or community resources to provide additional help and a sense of community. Have a look on our resources page.

  • Approach the topic with care and sensitivity. Choose a quiet, private setting and express your concern with kindness. Use “I” statements, such as “I’ve noticed you’ve seemed down lately, and I’m worried about you.” This helps avoid making them feel defensive.

  • You can assist by researching and suggesting local mental health professionals, organisations, support groups, or our charity’s services. You can also offer to help them make appointments or find resources online. 

  • If they are hesitant to seek help, continue offering support and expressing your concern. Sometimes it takes time for someone to feel ready to get help.

  • Yes, taking care of your mental health is important, too. Taking care of yourself helps you be there for your loved one.

  • We offer a range of resources, including peer support groups, information, guides, and training. Our team is here to provide guidance and support to help you navigate this challenging time.

Support others →