Having meeting spaces across Hong Kong increases accessibility

In-person peer support is made possible with the help our venue partners.

Have a space that we can use for a few hours a month?

Photo Credit: Lit Ma of Eaton House


  • Available for regular use. We want to keep meeting times and locations consistent.

  • A room with a door to keep conversations private

  • Capacity for 8 - 20 pax – We use different sized spaces for different meetings

  • Accessible and welcoming

Read more about our space requirements in our FAQ.

Much thanks to our venue partners

““It has helped me to become a better communicator and to ask for what I need outside of the meetings, even in conversations outside of mental health.”


There are many other ways you can support mental health in HK

Our mission is to support each other through life’s difficult moments.

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  • Each group is hosted by two volunteer ‘hosts with lived experience: these are people who have personal experience of the topic and support the running of the group. We provide our hosts with training and support to hold these groups, but they are not trained professionals and do not give advice.

  • Our peer support groups are informal facilitated conversations. Attendees are asked to introduce themselves and why they are joining. We also share our pronouns, if comfortable, to create a respectful and inclusive space for all. 

    Attendees are not required to speak for the rest of the meeting if they do not wish to, you can attend and just listen. Hosts will invite the group to share and will facilitate the session, ensuring everyone who wishes to gets the opportunity to speak. 

    We do ask that everyone is respectful of privacy and to treat each other, and themselves, with kindness.

  • We ask to use the space for a minimum of once per month. 

  • Our groups typically last between 75 and 90 minutes.

  • We host most of our groups during the evening on weekdays but we are open to weekend slots too. 

  • We need spaces which have some privacy (closed door, not directly overlooked by the public). We need sufficient space and chairs, access to bathrooms and drinking water. The space also needs to be accessible for all guests so it requires am elevator if not on the ground floor.

  • The group size varies. We currently have registration limits in place for our in person groups to ensure that the venue can safely accommodate the number of attendees. Generally, our groups vary between five and twelve people. 

  • We have different agreements with different venues. Staff presence on site is not a requirement as long as we can access the venue. 

  • Yes, we work collaboratively with our venue partners. We can support you in promoting your business and any scheduled events. We will advertise your organisation on our website. We will provide partner discounts for your members for our training courses.