We provide immediate and accessible mental health support to everyone


Sometime things are tough. We are here with resources, chat lines and support - whatever you need.

We make mental health support accessible with peer support groups


Our peer support groups were created to give people a supportive space to discuss life's challenges, in the comfort that your experiences are shared with others who can relate. You will meet two trained volunteer hosts who have lived experience of the topic of the group.

There is no pressure at all to speak, many people attend to listen.

Mental Health
Social Isolation


“Nice to know you’re not alone”


Why peer support


33% of adults say that they cannot rely on anyone for emotional support (PSE HK).

A significant number of people in Hong Kong lack social support in times of need. Social isolation has serious consequences for physical and mental health and can increase your risk of death by 25-33%.

Social isolation is now widely considered to be as impactful as obesity, lack of physical activity, smoking, other forms of substance abuse, and poor access to healthcare.

Peer support groups: 

  • Brings together people with shared experiences to support each other

  • Treats everyone’s views and experiences as equally valid

  • Reduces stigma and self stigma

  • Encourages help-seeking and the learning of new coping strategies

  • Improves self confidence and help you to self-advocate within and outside the group

What are you looking for?



  • It’s common to feel uncertain. Signs that someone might need support include persistent sadness, anxiety, changes in mood or behaviour, difficulty with daily activities, or feeling overwhelmed. It’s okay to seek help even if you’re unsure—it’s better to ask questions and get support early.

  • We offer a variety of resources, including information, tips on taking care of yourself, and guidance on supporting others. Reading other people’s stories may be beneficial. We also provide free peer support groups and training. We aim to help you find the right support for you.

  • Yes, feeling nervous or unsure about seeking help is completely normal. Taking the first step can be intimidating. We are here to support you in a non-judgmental and understanding way, and you don’t have to go through this alone.

  • That’s okay! Our website provides a range of resources and information to help you understand the different types of support available. You can start by exploring our articles or attending a support group.

  • Peer support involves connecting with others who have had similar experiences. It’s a way to share feelings, get advice, and feel less alone. Our peer support groups offer a supportive space to talk and learn from others who understand what you’re going through.

  • Yes, everything you share with us is confidential. Your privacy and trust are very important to us. We would only share information if we are worried about your immediate safety or someone else’s.

  • Curiosity is a great starting point! Learning about mental health can benefit everyone, whether you’re looking for help for yourself or someone else or just want to understand more. Feel free to explore our site, read our resources, and see what resonates with you.

  • If you want to learn more, attend one of our peer support groups, community activities or training sessions. Getting involved can also include volunteering or simply spreading awareness about mental health in your community.

Meet our hosts →