Find a peer support group or movement class for you


There is no pressure at all to speak at our support groups, many people attend to listen.

Find a group

“Nice to know you’re not alone.”


Why peer support


33% of adults say that they cannot rely on anyone for emotional support (PSE HK).

A significant number of people in Hong Kong lack social support in times of need. Social isolation has serious consequences for physical and mental health and can increase your risk of death by 25-33%.

Social isolation is now widely considered to be as impactful as obesity, lack of physical activity, smoking, other forms of substance abuse, and poor access to healthcare.

Peer support groups: 

  • Brings together people with shared experiences to support each other

  • Treats everyone’s views and experiences as equally valid

  • Reduces stigma and self stigma

  • Encourages help-seeking and the learning of new coping strategies

  • Improves self confidence and help you to sel-advocate within and outside the group

What to expect

“They have given me the vocabulary and space to feel that I can share about my grief with or without sadness, without judgement (by myself or others) and with the comfort of knowing I'm not alone.”

Attendee and now host


Our peer support groups were created to give people a supportive space to comfortably discuss life's challenges, in the comfort that your experiences are shared with others who can relate.

There is no pressure at all to speak, many people attend to listen.

You will meet two trained volunteer hosts who have lived experience of the topic of the group.

  1. At the beginning of each group, attendees take it in turns to introduce themselves and why they came

  2. We offer the option to share pronouns to create a safe space for all

  3. The hosts of the group will then ask if anyone has anything they would like to talk about

  4. Whatever a person has to say is relevant and they are welcome to bring anything to the group

  5. All attendees are asked to respect the privacy of the space and treat others and ourselves with kindness throughout