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Suicide Prevention Course - SFA Understanding Suicide Intervention

One in five people will think about suicide in their lifetime. Equip yourself to help keep someone safe who is at risk of suicide by joining our accredited and internationally assured Suicide First Aid course. Your participation not only gives you essential intervention skills but also supports your wider community in suicide prevention.

Why This Course Matters

Suicide is one of the most preventable causes of death, yet it remains a significant public health issue. By learning how to recognise the signs and intervene effectively, you could save a life. This training offers invaluable skills in a welcoming and supportive environment.

What to Expect

Over six hours, you will gain theoretical and practical knowledge about suicide intervention. The course includes a mix of mini-lectures, group work, and audio-visual presentations. No prior experience is necessary—just an open mind and a willingness to learn. The course is accredited and you will receive a certificate. You will also have the oppportunity, on completion, to go on to gain a qualification in suicide prevention. You'll be supported by our charity.

Course Content:

Part 1

  • Introduction to: the day; programme; ourselves and suicide prevention

  • Stigma, Survivors of bereavement by suicide and the Hidden Toll

  • Suicide thoughts and suicide behaviour

  • Intention of behaviour Versus Outcome of behaviour

  • Possible Causes of Suicidal thoughts

Part 2

  • Suicide – the Ripple Effect

  • Population-based approach to suicide prevention

  • Partnership working

  • Working with attitudes and values

  • “I’m so glad you told me” - Audio visual

Part 3

  • Meeting the needs of a person who is thinking about suicide

  • Suicide-Safety Guide

  • Recognising suicide and asking about suicide

  • Understanding options

Part 4

  • Safeguarding suicide

  • Suicide-safety and self-care

  • The risk assessment approach

  • Suicide and suicide gestures

  • Future learning

Who Should Attend?

Everyone. Whether you are a first responder, healthcare provider, teacher, community helper, or simply want to make a difference, this course is for you. No one is excluded from the opportunity to learn these vital skills.

Proven Effectiveness

Independent evaluations by suicide prevention experts have demonstrated significant improvements in confidence and reduced anxiety in dealing with suicide among participants. You will leave with confidence to provide empathetic and practical support to someone at risk of suicide. The course is accredited by City and Guilds and produced by The National Centre for Suicide Prevention Education and Training.

October 17

好心程 - 免費心理健康朋輩支援小組(廣東話) (Copy)

October 28

Good Grief (Copy)