
Breast cancer survivor, single Mother and TNN HK Cancer Support Co-host 

Hi, my name is Han-Mi and I’m a 10 year breast cancer survivor, a single Mom currently navigating a divorce and an American expat living in Hong Kong.

I made the difficult decision last year to leave my partner after 12 years in hope that I could find happiness and peace in life for the sake of my son.

Additionally, I struggled for many years after my breast cancer treatment with depression and anxiety and had severe postpartum depression after my son was born. 

I am finally off all medications after many years of struggling and now I use my experience and personal journey to try and bring awareness for both cancer and mental health. I am well now but am always mindful to stay diligent in taking care of my mental and physical health.  

Through my journey, I discovered a breast cancer charity here in Hong Kong, Phenomenally Pink which ultimately lead me to the mental health organisation, TNN HK and their “Healing Hearts” group for people going through/have gone through a break up. After years of private therapy, I finally felt comfort, strength and support in attending TNN HK’s support group. There was no professional trying to fix me and there was no shame as everyone in the group felt in some way at some point in their own journey, what I was feeling. The power of empathy and group support has been healing for me. 

I decided I could do more for others by sharing my experience specifically with my cancer journey. Starting July 2024, I will co-host a new Cancer peer support group in Hong Kong with TNN HK and Phenomenally Pink. I truly believe that the community needs more accessibility for mental health support and awareness regarding mental health issues. I support TNN HK and their mission to provide free peer support groups on various mental health topics to the Hong Kong Community.




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