How to ask for help with your mental health 

Think about what you want 

It can feel hard to ask for help with your mental health especially if you aren’t sure what is happening or don’t know how to describe what’s going on. 

We all want to feel supported and understood, especially when things seem out of control. 

It's important to talk to someone you trust and can speak openly with. Think through if the person can relate to your situation, if they're a good listener, and if they won't judge you.

People who are close to you want to help.

When you ask your friend or loved one to talk, you might say, “I’d like to talk to you about something that’s important and personal to me. When’s a good time?”

When you talk to someone, try to make it clear what you need today.

Do you need:

  • help finding professional support?

  • someone to listen without offering advice? 

  • help finding a local support group?

  • someone to help you to make appointments or come with you?

  • emotional and moral support? 

If you feel tense, take several deep, calming breaths. Remember that you’re important to this person.

When you talk, describe your feelings, thoughts, moods, and how your body feels. 

Try to give them a picture of your situation no matter if you think it sounds strange.

You’ve taken a big step by asking for help. Take a moment to be proud of yourself. It’s normal to feel anxious, nervous, or tired after having such a personal conversation.

If the person is willing to help follow up on the things they can help with.

If the conversation didn’t go as well as you’d hoped, try again. Or consider talking to someone with a different viewpoint. 

People are all very different and can react in surprising ways. Their reaction shouldn’t stop you from getting help.

There are steps you can take on your own in your own time. 


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