Men to check in on…and what you could say

The man who is acting differently

‘you haven’t seemed yourself lately are you okay?’

‘you seem less talkative is everything okay?’

The man who has stopped being social

‘You havent’t been replying to messages and that’s not like you, how are you?’

‘I missed you at the weekend, how’s life at the moment?’

The man who always supports others

Ask twice ‘are you sure you’re just fine? What has made you feel good this week?’

‘Like you are there for others I am there for you’

The man who has been through a big life change

‘What you have been dealing with can’t be easy, what has helped you to cope with hard times in the past?’

Big life changes like breakups, bereavement, job loss, and financial stress are all strongly associated with declining mental health in men.

The man who has been drinking or using drugs a lot

‘Do you ever feel worried about your drinking?’

‘What do you find makes you want to drink more?’

Alcohol and drugs are a significant suicide risk factor. 

The man who has expressed sadness

‘I’d like to support you in finding help, can I do that?’


Understanding Stigmatised Grief


How to ask for help with your mental health